Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Friend Zone

A girl likes a boy. She thinks he's cute and wants to be with him. They talk for awhile. He says he thinks she's cute. The next time they talk he says he considers her to be a little sister. *STOP* *PAUSE* This is cause for trouble. This means the girl has OFFICIALLY entered what we like to call the (dun dun dun..!) Friend Zone. Nobody likes to be in the friend zone. It's not a good feeling. Unless you want to be in the friend zone with somebody, it's not a good thing. And once you've entered the friend zone, it is really hard to exit it. Because now, to him, you're "one of the guys." Do you really wanna be considered one of the guys? No? I didn't think so. Being in the friend zone can be good for your relationship and it can be bad. (Most of the time it's bad, though.) Like once you've entered it, you realize, 'Hey. I actually like this guy.' and you work to get yourself out of the dreaded friend zone. It works and y'all live happily ever after. Then, there are the people that intentionally put themselves in the friend zone knowing that they like the guy themselves. Saying, 'There's no way he could like me.' Blah, blah, blah. That is the most stupid thing I have ever heard of. They go and try to fix the guy up with somebody, and be all supportive and friendly like. Stupid. You know you want the guy, go get him. Stop trying to be a friend and be something more. Turn the seduction up, do something! Get yourself out of the friend zone, and get out ASAP! Before you find yourself living alone with 50 cats and you watch the man of your dreams be happy with your best friend because your dumb self decided to fix them up. You could of had that guy. Now, you're that crazy cat lady y'all used to make fun of in high school. How's that feel? Now, rewind. You're back in high school. You like this guy, but this time, you go after him. You fight for what you've deemed as yours. Now you're the successful model or whatever it is that you want to do, and you've got this gorgeous guy on your arm, and you're just living life like it's supposed to be lived. You're happy, happily taken, and on your way to having a fabulous life. All because you decided you wanted to stop living in the friend zone, take a risk, and go after what you wanted.
Thanks and peace out. :)

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